Our packaging options for dairy products don’t just happen over night
They’re created through hard-work and collaboration with our clients to ensure we meet your needs and responsibilities. Whether it’s shredded or sour cream, milk, yogurt, or something else, we’ll deliver what’s important to your brand, recommending the best substrates, shapes, and sizes along the way.
Green-Pak is located in the heart of the dairy state, so we know how many variables go into creating the perfect packaging solution. Our experts have you covered. We’re certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a manufacturer of single service products for the dairy industry. Upon inspection, Green-Pak has met required sanitation compliance and enforcement ratings of interstate milk shippers.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration – Interstate Milk Shippers
Green-Pak, LLC. is certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a manufacturer of single service products for the dairy industry. Upon inspection, Green-Pak, LLC. has met required sanitation compliance and enforcement ratings of interstate milk shippers.